❤ This time of the year, in the last ten days of August, if you live in latitudes from 40 to 60 degrees North, you can see the Summer Triangle almost in the zenith or very close to it around the midnight of your local time, if your country does not use the daylight saving time. If it does use it, you can see the Triangle in the zenith around 23 hours, local time.
The Summer Triangle is not a constellation. It is an imaginary triangle formed by the brightest stars of three constellations: Altair of Aquila, Deneb of Cygnus and Vega of Lyra. This is a beautiful formation of very bright stars. These stars were widely used for navigation long before the GPS and other electronic navigation systems.
Summer Triangle – летне-осенний треугольник (образование из трёх ярких звёзд трёх созвездий).
daylight saving time – летнее время (используется в США, Европе и некоторых других странах).
Altair of Aquila – звезда Альтаир в созвездии Орла.
Deneb of Cygnus – звезда Денеб в созвездии Лебедя.
Vega of Lyra – звезда Вега в созвездии Лиры.
![Summer Triangle: A Beautiful Formation of Bright Stars](https://sun9-36.userapi.com/impf/c540101/v540101305/235d1/ejSU_rwBE_A.jpg?size=903x666&quality=96&sign=6f590f67fe7e31f4eedbea2eaf6cae6d&c_uniq_tag=Jo8WRoJXfKZDx2QRmtlXJNqJ1fOEbbz2919Q7kmMYgQ&type=album)